React Development Training


10 Courses in 1 Program

50 Modules & 100+ AI Tools

10+ Live Projects

10+International Certifications & Certification Program

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Program Highlights

15+ Years
Experience Trainer
3 Months
60+ Modules
1000+ Trained
Training Mode
One to One

Learning Curriculum in 2025

Our React Development course is designed to equip you with essential skills, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques. You will gain hands-on experience in data collection, cleaning, analysis, visualization, and machine learning. Our structured curriculum ensures you develop the expertise to tackle real-world data challenges with confidence and efficiency.

Module 1

Intro to React

Learn what React is, its features, and why it's popular for building UI components.

Module 2

Social Media Marketing
Setup & Installation

Install React, set up a development environment, and create your first project.

Module 3

SEO Optimization
JSX Basics

Understand JSX syntax, how it works, and how it simplifies UI development.

Module 4

Content Creation
Components & Prop

Learn how to create and use functional and class components with props.

Module 5

SEO Optimization
State & Lifecycle

Manage component state and lifecycle methods for better interactivity.

Module 6

Content Creation
Event Handling

Handle user interactions like clicks, inputs, and form submissions in React.

Module 7

Social Media Marketing
Conditional Rendering

Implement logic to display UI elements based on conditions dynamically.

Module 8

Content Creation
Lists & Keys

Work with lists in React and use keys for efficient updates and rendering.

Module 9

Branding Strategy
Forms & Inputs

Create controlled and uncontrolled forms for user input management.

Module 10

Content Creation
React Hooks

Explore hooks for managing state, side effects, and context in functional components.

Module 11

Content Creation
useState Hook

Manage component state effectively using the useState hook.

Module 12

Content Creation
useEffect Hook

Handle side effects like API calls and subscriptions in React components.

Module 13

Content Creation
useContext Hook

Utilize the Context API to manage global state without prop drilling.

Module 14

Social Media Marketing
React Router

Implement client-side navigation using React Router for seamless routing.

Module 15

SEO Optimization
API Calls

Fetch and manage data from APIs using fetch, Axios, and async/await.

Module 16

Social Media Marketing
Custom Hooks

Build reusable logic with custom hooks to simplify complex component behavior.

Module 17

Content Creation
Redux Basics

Learn state management with Redux and understand reducers and actions.

Module 18

Branding Strategy
Redux Toolkit

Implement Redux the modern way using Redux Toolkit for efficiency.

Module 19

SEO Optimization
React Query

Manage server-side state with React Query for data fetching and caching.

Module 20

SEO Optimization
Error Handling

Catch and handle errors in React applications for better user experience.

Module 21

SEO Optimization
React Portals

Render components outside the main DOM tree for modals and overlays.

Module 22

Social Media Marketing
Higher-Order Components

Use HOCs to enhance component functionality with reusability.

Module 23

Content Creation

Improve performance and avoid unnecessary HTML elements with React Fragments.

Module 24

Content Creation
Context API

Use React's built-in Context API for lightweight state management.

Module 25

Content Creation
Performance Optimization

Optimize React apps with memoization, lazy loading, and profiling.

Module 26

Content Creation
Lazy Loading & Suspense

Load components dynamically for faster initial rendering.

Module 27

Content Creation
Styled Components

Use styled-components for modular and scoped CSS in React.

Module 28

Social Media Marketing
Material UI

Implement Material UI components for a consistent and modern design.

Module 29

SEO Optimization
Tailwind CSS

Use utility-first styling with Tailwind CSS for rapid UI development.

Module 30

Social Media Marketing
Testing with Jest & RTL

Write unit and integration tests with Jest and React Testing Library.

Module 31

Content Creation
SSR with Next.js

Optimize SEO and performance with Server-Side Rendering in Next.js.

Module 32

Branding Strategy
SSG with Next.js

Use Static Site Generation for fast-loading, pre-rendered pages.

Module 33

SEO Optimization
Authentication (JWT & OAuth)

Secure React apps with JWT-based and OAuth authentication.

Module 34

SEO Optimization
WebSockets & Real-Time

Implement real-time communication with WebSockets in React.

Module 35

Social Media Marketing
Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Convert React apps into installable and offline-capable PWAs.

Module 36

Content Creation
GraphQL & Apollo

Analyze sensor-generated data from IoT devices. Improve efficiency and automation using real-time Science.

Module 37

Content Creation
Drag & Drop

Create interactive drag-and-drop features using React libraries.

Module 38

Content Creation
i18n (Internationalization)

Implement multi-language support in React applications.

Module 39

Content Creation
React Deploymen

Deploy React applications using Netlify, Vercel, or Firebase.

Module 40

Content Creation
Full Stack Project

Build a full-stack React app with backend integration and authentication.

Future of React Development with AI-Powered Tools

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With 4.7/5 ratings for 3525+ authentic reviews, Mindzee students have achieved remarkable career milestones with impressive job offers, salary packages and more than 3x business growth. Here's what our alumni have to say about their time at Mindzee!

Sales Digital Marketing Manager
Vinod Dsouza
Cracks 25-30Lakhs
Intern Associate Application Developer
Meenal Bagare
Cracks 18-20Lakhs
Marketing Analyt Data Analyst
Vidya Shree
Cracks 10-12Lakhs

Who Can Explore Learning Opportunities?


College students changes to kickstart a career in digital marketing and gain more practical skills for success.


Professionals seeking to transition to a promising career in digital marketing for growth and opportunities.

Agency Owners

Entrepreneurs and agency owners aiming to enhance their brand presence and generate leads on digital platforms.


Coaches who want to upskill your Knowledge in digital marketing and generate a source of passive income


Homepreneurs who want to upskill themselves in digital marketing and generate a source of passive income


Freelance marketers who want gain more national and international clients and generate steady income.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Join our club member community now to get free updates and also a lot of freebies are waiting for you

Anyone interested in React Development, including beginners, working professionals, and students from any background, can join. No prior experience is required.

You will learn Excel, SQL, Python, R, Tableau, Power BI, and machine learning techniques for data analysis.

No, the course covers basic programming in Python and SQL, making it beginner-friendly.

You can become a Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Scientist, or BI Analyst in various industries like finance, healthcare, marketing, and e-commerce.

Yes, you will receive a recognized certification upon successful course completion.

Yes, you will work on real-world datasets, case studies, and a capstone project to gain hands-on experience.
